Keeping it Simple
Staying Grounded in This Chaotic World
As I have started this journey of becoming a conscious consumer, the first side effect has been being able to slow down and breath. We all have our cell phones on us all the time, searching the internet, checking our social media, or if you are like me, working. I have every app available to maximize my down time to its fullest and get work in when the moment presents itself. That being said, I am a big believer in staying grounded and focused on what’s important.
Here are 3 Tips to Keeping Focused on the Simple Things in Life:
It might sound crazy, but sometimes the best thing to be more productive is to do nothing at all. I am serious. Shut off Netflix, step away from your computer, and please, put your cell phone down. We find ourselves always feeling the need to be entertained by some device. These days it’s so hard to disconnect, but if you don’t force yourself, you are never truly present.
How can you reflect, if you don’t take the time to appreciate what you have? In our family, we like to take a moment once a day to reflect. We stop and think about the last day, week, month and year and talk about how far we have come and then we visualize what we want to accomplish.
Everyone should be doing something daily to grow. No matter how small, if you aren't growing, you aren't living. Try a new recipe, read a new blog or practice yoga. Discover yourself by exploring different interests.